This family...there are no words! These are five of my favorite people on earth. I met Megan when she was a tall, lanky 8th grader and we've been close friends ever since, whether 2,000 miles apart or six blocks away as we are today. I've been lucky enough to watch her and her incredible husband grow into amazing parents to these three sweet little people. If I had to sum up this family, in the simplest terms, I would just say they make the world - and especially my world - a brighter place.
Love by the Lake
I was so excited that this awesome couple asked me take engagement photos for them on Lake Michigan, where they got engaged one rainy day. We also had rain...and close to freezing temps! But they were great sports - they must be happy or something :) I had a ton of fun taking these pictures, which is easy when you're shooting funny, good-looking people in love. Trust me, these two are as beautiful inside as they are out. But let's all be honest, their sweet puppy dog Tucker was kind of the star of the show. :)
I love the dynamic of a family with two boys. It's silly and dirty and rough and sweet and funny all at once. This awesome family asked to have their pictures taken on the grounds of their elementary school (don't worry, that's turf, I haven't gone green crazy!). I'd say most of the shoot, the boys were tackling each other and couldn't stop giggling. A lot of brotherly love going on here. So much fun, I can barely stand it. And how gorgeous are the four of them together?! Give. Me. A. Break!
We welcomed our twins into the world on January 8...and needless to say, the rest of the year has been a whirlwind without a lot of focus on photography. I'd call it more a focus on keeping everyone in our house fed and bathed. I think we've been at least 75% successful on those fronts, a passing grade, so we win!
In February, Heidi Kalish of Heidi Kalish Photography came over and took some beautiful pictures of our kids. She does lovely work, and if possible, is an even lovelier person. Once again, thank you, Heidi!
Heidi Kalish Photography
I have kept my camera close by, but just recently I've started to get out and shoot again. I have had SO much fun! I've been reminded what I love so much about photographing people - what an honor it is to capture these little moments. Clasped hands and laughs and silliness and love. It doesn't get better than this, it really doesn't.
So, that's the long way of saying I'm back! I'll once again be updating my site and Facebook and Instagram. It's amazing how quickly fall has come and my calendar has filled up with all of you well-organized holiday card people! Shoot me an email if you'd like to set up a session, I'd love to catch up:
A Day in the Park
I can't say enough about this sweet 2-year old (just look at that face, those eyes!!) and her fantastic parents. I had so much fun spending a great morning in the park with this family, exploring trails and playing on the playground. I can't wait to meet their second sweet girl - due in December!
Doughnuts and Races
This beautiful and fun family knew the way to straight to my heart - they brought doughnuts to the beach! I was then challenged to multiple races and treated to a jumping contest (check out some pictures on my instagram account: @msp_outtakes). I was having so much fun, it's a miracle I remembered to take any pictures!
Beach Time
I had so much fun spending a morning at the beach with these two beautiful sisters and their families. Between them, they have two husbands, three boys with a lot of energy, and one baby girl who is gonna be tough as nails!
Sweet Summer is Here
Not only was this adorable family as sweet as can be, but they were so perfectly dressed in beautiful (and coordinating) colors!